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PRODUCT DETAILS: For subcutaneous use only.

Human Growth Hormone, HGH, GH, Somatropin is a peptide hormone that is
used in sports for athletic enhancement. Growth hormone or somatropin gets its
name from the fact that it causes a pronounced linear growth acceleration,
mainly due to the growth of long tubular extremity bones.

Pharmacological properties:
• Anabolic effects – causes muscle growth
• Anti-catabolic effect – inhibits muscle breakdown
• Decreases body fat
• Regulates the use of energy
• Accelerates wound healing
• Has a rejuvenating effect
• Stimulates the re-growth of the internal organs
• Causes bone growth and increases the growth of young people up to 26
years, strengthens bones
• Increases glucose levels in blood
• Boosts the immune system

Some effects are caused directly by medication but a significant part of its effects
causes Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), which is produced by the liver and
stimulates the growth of most of the internal organs. Almost every effect of
growth hormone in sports is associated with IGF-1.

Age-related secretion changes:
The secretion of growth hormone decreases with age. It is minimal in the elderly,
who have a reduced base level, and the frequency and amplitude of secretion
peaks. Somatotropin baseline is maximal in early childhood, the peak amplitude
of secretion is maximal in adolescents during intensive linear growth and puberty.

Daily rhythms of secretion
The secretion of somatotropin occurs periodically and has several peaks
throughout the day (usually secretion peak occurs every 3-5 hours). The highest
peak is observed at night, about an hour after falling asleep.

HGH in bodybuilding
Use of exogenous human growth hormone (HGH), via injection, was originally for
medical purposes until athletes began abusing HGH with the goal of increasing
their abilities. First HGH was only available from cadavers and then recombinant
human growth hormone (rHGH) was developed in 1981. In 1989 the International
Olympic Committee branded human growth hormone a banned substance.
Although abuse of human growth hormone for athletic purposes is illegal in many
countries, over the past decade sales of HGH have increased. Athletes have
been said to abuse human growth hormone, including in combination with other
performance-enhancing drugs such as androgenic Anabolic steroids.
Lean muscle mass and fat burning:
The main reason for the high popularity of the growth hormone in sports is the
ability to reduce body fat. Also, studies have shown that it increases lean body
mass. Short-term fluid retention can cause increased muscle mass. Another
benefit is that HGH may promote resistance to injury or faster repair. It is
because growth hormone builds up connective tissue within muscles. It should
be noted that the use of growth hormone in powerlifting is pointless because no
increase in muscle strength was observed. It also does not increase stamina and
performance but it actually reduces fatigue threshold and delays recovery.
General conclusion: HGH can be used in sports to increase lean muscles.
Advantages: high effectivity, low frequency of side effects, it doesn’t affect sexual
functions, doesn’t cause androgenic effects and doesn’t require PCT, after a 1-
month cycle general mass increases with 3-4 kg and sometimes it doesn’t
change at all.

Side effects:
• Tunnel syndrome
• Hyperglycemia
• Inhibition of thyroid function
• Fluid retention
• Increased blood pressure

Stimulators of growth hormone:
Secretion of growth hormone is regulated by Growth hormone-releasing hormone
(GHRH or somatocrinin) and Growth hormone-inhibiting hormone (GHIH or
somatostatin), which are released by neurosecretory nuclei of hypothalamus into
the hypophyseal portal venous blood surrounding the pituitary. However, the
balance of these two Peptides is affected by many physiological stimulators.

Stimulators of growth hormone (GH) secretion:
Peptides – the most potent stimulators of growth hormone, increase the
concentration by 7-15 times and its cost much lower than equivalent cycles, such
• GHRP-2
• GHRP-6
• GRF (1-29)
• CJC-1295
• Ipamorelin
• HGH Frag (176-191)
• Ibutamoren